Fish‌ ‌Feed‌ ‌

 Manufactured feeds are an important part of modern commercial aquaculture, providing the balanced nutrition needed by farmed fish. Fish Feed

, in the form of granules or pellets, provide the nutrition in a stable and concentrated form, enabling the fish to feed efficiently and grow to their full potential.

What is the best feed for fish?

Here is the best fish food you can buy:

Best carnivore fish food: Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze-Dried Bloodworms. Best fish food for mid-level swimmers: Hikari Tropical Semi-Floating Micro Pellets. Best saltwater fish food: New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula. Best fish food for algae eaters: Hikari Algae Wafers.

What are the types of fish feed?

There are three types of food used in fish ponds: natural food; supplementary feeds; complete feeds.

Which is the best fish feed in India?

Matsya Bandhu Floating Fish feed is produced with world class technology which ensures better productivity at a low rate. This feed is best suited for fishes like IMC, Carp, Pangesius, Roopchand and Magur


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